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Restaurant review: Fishy Fishy, Brighton | Matthew Norman | Life ...
food drinks
Regarding Fishy Fishy, co-owned by affable X Factor frontman Dermot O'Leary, I cannot decide whether to be Simon Cowell or Cheryl Cole.
With the menu and deliberately artless look to the inside (blue walls, plain furniture, piscine prints, no fuss or poncery), this is a tribute act to FishWorks, the chain that went on quite a journey of its own, from genuine excellence to smug mediocrity.
Grilled herring had a pleasingly crispy skin but was curiously bland, while mackerel pâté overcompensated by leaving an overpoweringly fishy fishy aftertaste.
"Imagine an old farmer on a rusty tractor who decides to make a mackerel pâté," said my friend, an urban Jew turned gentleman pig farmer.
"Fishy Fishy fish and chips," he said patiently, "and one fish pie."